lunes, 3 de marzo de 2008

American football against our greatest rivals... Mustangs..

We played against the team we always wanted to play, our greatest rivals...THE MUSTANGS..! We started playing very good until in the half of the first half, we kicked the ball for the other team and their runned caught it and all the team started covering him. We tried to get him but suddendly their quarterback ran infront of pur corners and they passed the ball and scored (N). The next gameplay was bad also because we threw a bad ball and the other team intercepted it (Sanchez ¬¬), when he catched it he started running like a b*tch! He passed all the D (defence) and scored another one. We were very angry and made new gameplays until we scored 2 to 1. They threw a bad ball also and we intercepted it and quickly scored another one =D. In the second half we tried and tried and tried and we douldn't score a damn point! We were playing at the 110% and the other team too..., until disafortunately they scored the third one :S. Instantly we started playing at 200% percent and kept like that the rest of the freaking game until at the last gameplay we were like 2 meters of the score line. Mr. ALan got the ball and ran as fast as he could until he felt like if they grabbed him and fell. It was the last chance for us, but a bad pass made us lose the game : (. At last a friend, Fabella had to get naked because of a bet xD. Better luck next time Mejican Fiury...

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