lunes, 3 de marzo de 2008

American football against the 6th's :S

We played in the tournament against the guys of 6th semester in american football. The game was 1 on 1 until they scored 1 touchdown, then 2. In the first move of us, I took the ball and ran for my life until 2 big guys caught me and when I was falling someone hit me in my leg and hurted it badly(but for a while only(2 or 3 days xD)).We kept trying hard until we finally scored 1, but then they scored another 1. Our chances of winning were almost cero until we scored another one and our spirits were risen. We stood again 1 on 1 until the time was over and we lost 3-2 =/.

1 comentario:

Mss. Ana Favila dijo...

Well, the guys from 6th semester are bigger that you, you (your team)can still grow up and they wont so, this is a good thing for you :)