lunes, 3 de marzo de 2008


I don't have anything to write about so I'm gonna write of the day of today : ). Today it was cool day. I had my cool belt i wanted (ty gorda =D) :B. The first two classes were like to how they say "tirar barra" and I was confortable. Then in the recess i played cards with some friends and had a good time x). The next class we kinda worked but not that much. Next we had the second brake in which i stayed with my girl :D (love you <3). Then we had math in which I didn't worked because i had already did all what they saw :P, I was playing with the cards and with my gorda <3!. Next came history :S in which we didn't work either xD, finally we had litarature in which we workes a little bit ;). At 3 p.m. we were supposed to have a game against the chefs xD (Glion) but they didn't appeared and we won by defoul or however its written : ). Well that's all for today, c ya..


J L's (B) : )

Saturday march 1st was the little party my friend Jorge Luis made in his house. He invited some friends to eat (B) ;) and to make a barbecue :D. We arrived at 8 and I sarted roasting the beer..umm BEEF :) and another friend Toño, started cutting the meat for the tacos (he cutted it like sh*t xD). Then everyone came and started making their tacos and eating. Then we just stood there talking and all that in his patio and in the street, then THEY started drinking malt juice : ) (I didn't) and started telling jokes and making fun of all and all that stuff. We were there like until 12:30 and then I came to my house to sleep : ).

III Goble "congress" or however is written xD

Last friday was the globe thing that was held in the Cobach auditorium. We were there from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., 12 freaking hours man :O! The first person to talk was David Montalvo which was a cool guy that gave a enternaining speech and kinda funny. Next it was Javier Lara, it was cool too and his speech was more enternatining and funny. We had a 2 hours and a half break in which some friends and me, went to Wasa's house to eat and play Halo 3 and Guitar Hero : ). We returned at 3 p.m. and the lady Marina Huerta spoke to us about making the voices of some characters like some from The Simpsons, Rugrats and some movies. It was kinda boring that speech and I almost fell asleep -)... The last one and the coolest was the one from Yordi Rosado. It was really funny and entertaining :P. It was a cool day : D.

American football against our greatest rivals... Mustangs..

We played against the team we always wanted to play, our greatest rivals...THE MUSTANGS..! We started playing very good until in the half of the first half, we kicked the ball for the other team and their runned caught it and all the team started covering him. We tried to get him but suddendly their quarterback ran infront of pur corners and they passed the ball and scored (N). The next gameplay was bad also because we threw a bad ball and the other team intercepted it (Sanchez ¬¬), when he catched it he started running like a b*tch! He passed all the D (defence) and scored another one. We were very angry and made new gameplays until we scored 2 to 1. They threw a bad ball also and we intercepted it and quickly scored another one =D. In the second half we tried and tried and tried and we douldn't score a damn point! We were playing at the 110% and the other team too..., until disafortunately they scored the third one :S. Instantly we started playing at 200% percent and kept like that the rest of the freaking game until at the last gameplay we were like 2 meters of the score line. Mr. ALan got the ball and ran as fast as he could until he felt like if they grabbed him and fell. It was the last chance for us, but a bad pass made us lose the game : (. At last a friend, Fabella had to get naked because of a bet xD. Better luck next time Mejican Fiury...

American football against the 6th's :S

We played in the tournament against the guys of 6th semester in american football. The game was 1 on 1 until they scored 1 touchdown, then 2. In the first move of us, I took the ball and ran for my life until 2 big guys caught me and when I was falling someone hit me in my leg and hurted it badly(but for a while only(2 or 3 days xD)).We kept trying hard until we finally scored 1, but then they scored another 1. Our chances of winning were almost cero until we scored another one and our spirits were risen. We stood again 1 on 1 until the time was over and we lost 3-2 =/.