sábado, 5 de abril de 2008

Classification Essay "Movies"

In movies, there are three main categories for me: Action, horror and comedy. We would disciss a little bit of each one right now.

Action: These are the most popular movies of all I think because are the ones with many special effects and tricks to impress the audience. They are for example of shots, murders, wars, kidnaps, etc, and all the people like them. And they have the best actors almost always.

Horror: Horror is another big category of movies, these include ghosts, zombies, aliens, monsters, etc. The best of the best of horror movies, impact the watchers and if the movie is bad, people dislike it very much and comment bad about it and they create bad fame to it.

Comedy: Almost everyone like this kind of movies because they just simply make you LAUGH, lol. They are some of my favorites and almost they all of them are very cool.

Well, this is how I in my opinion can arrange my point of view of come categories of movies. Maybe you can see them in a different way, but for me they are like that xD.